
Quality Improvement

Close care gaps.
Open the door to better patient outcomes.

  • Certified
  • 90+%
    Medical Record Retrieval Rate
  • 99+%
    Abstraction Accuracy Rate

Improve your quality scores and patient outcomes.

Quality improvement is essential to your financial performance and patient outcomes. Let our clinical experts and flexible, transparent technology help you find and close the gaps in patient care, protect and improve your quality scores, and capture the reimbursement you deserve for providing the right care at the right time.

Medical Record Retrieval

Our 90+% medical record retrieval rate leads the industry in accuracy and speed. With a trained nationwide team of specialists ready to meet your retrieval needs, we’ll simplify the process and streamline your quality improvement programs.

HEDIS® Abstraction

With an industry-leading 99+% abstraction accuracy rate and timely delivery, our experienced clinical team completes 100% over-read for every record as well as inter-rater reliability and testing well beyond the industry norm.

Patient Engagement

Increase engagement and improve care delivery with our personalized, professional at-home and virtual health assessments conducted in partnership with you. Prevent unnecessary admissions and apply timely interventions.

Quality improvement, improved.